
12 July 2016

Ruiten Foodpack changes to ING bank and succesfully completes refinancing

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Ruiten Foodpack changes to ING bank and succesfully completes refinancing

In June, Ruiten Foodpack was able to secure both its strategic objectives and aspirations for growth by a successful refinancing with ING Bank. IFS supported Ruiten Foodpack during the entire process.

Ruiten Foodpack
Ruiten Foodpack started in 1879 when Hein van Ruiten set up a vegetable conserving business in Roelofarendsveen. The art of conserving gherkins and beans became the basis of the family business which is currently led by fourth and fifth generation family members. During the past 137 years the family has expanded the company from a cannery into a professional co-packer of food, focusing on customer specific solutions

The company has developed extensive knowledge on products and their cannery process. It specialises in sustainable preparation, mixing, filling, pasteurizing and packaging of pickles, vegetables, delicacy’s, herbs & spices, powders and liquid foods (including sauces) in both glass, PET and DHPE containers. All purchasing, storage and packaging facilities meet the demand & requirements for organic production. Additionally, Ruiten Food Pack produces halal, kosher and Kosher for Passover products and is able to produce under full rabbinical supervision.

More information?
For more information please contact Integrated Finance Solutions at +31 30 7602110.

  • finance
  • equity
  • treasury