
26 augustus 2019

AGRO Merchants selects new European Cash Management partner bank

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AGRO Merchants selects new European Cash Management partner bank

In August 2019 AGRO Merchants selected HSBC as its new pan-European Cash Management partner bank. This allows the company to reap full benefits of an efficient account and payment execution infrastructure, obtain full control & insight on balances & transactions executed, optimise funding requirements by applying a multi-currency cash concentration structure and to enjoy cost benefits resulting from competitive pricing. All AGRO Merchants operating companies in the UK, Ireland, the Netherlands, Poland, Austria, Spain, Portugal and Italy will be serviced by HSBC.

Integrated Finance Solutions (IFS) BV designed the new account & cash concentration structure and assisted AGRO Merchants throughout the selection of this new partner bank. IFS will continue the accompany AGRO Merchants throughout the implementation of the new account and cash concentration structure.

Agro Merchants
AGRO Merchants Group was founded in January 2013. Along with its financial partner, Oaktree Capital Management and resulting from a steady flow of acquisitions, AGRO Merchants currently owns and operates over 7.5 million cubic meters of temperature-controlled warehouse and distribution space in the US, UK, Austria, Ireland, Spain, Portugal, Poland, Australia, Brazil, Chile and the Netherlands.

AGRO Merchants is a Top 4 Global temperature-controlled warehousing and logistics company. Their modern and most international network comprising 63 facilities in strategic locations combined with a wide range of transport solutions provides cold chain quality and integrity to the food industry.
The coldstores are specially designed to accommodate a wide range of products which require different temperatures and atmosphere needs. Most of the facilities are equipped with the latest technology, equipment and space to ensure the necessary temperature at different stages of the cold chain. This includes multi-temperature storage chambers from -40°c to +12°c, as well as processing and high-capacity blast freezing, tempering, packaging, pre-cooling, ripening and fumigation areas to customise the product for the end market or consumer.

Intrinsically linked with its storage and logistics offering, AGRO Merchants provides a wide range of innovative, integrated and complex value add solutions. Utilising leading-edge technologies and infrastructure, resources and expertise across different sectors of the food industry, the company establishes the most effective process for each individual product and supports manufacturing in order to simplify their customer’s supply chain.

A team of dedicated professionals is in place in each region for each commodity type. Their responsibilities include supporting both existing and new customers to develop new programs such as new product flows, changes of product packaging for a more efficient supply chain or end-to-end supply chain design for a new product.

More information?
For more information, please contact Integrated Finance Solutions at +31 30 7602110.

  • finance
  • equity
  • treasury